Adroit Product Resources

Download all available brochures, install guides, user guides and specifications on Adroit products

Worksite Monitoring

Dust Brochure

Dust Sensor Specifications

Noise Brochure

Noise Sensor Specifications

Vibration Brochure

Vibration Sensor Specifications

Turbidity and TSS
Monitoring Brochure

Geotechnical Monitoring

Tiltmeter Brochure

Tiltmeter Install Guide

Tiltmeter Specifications

Groundwater Brochure

Groundwater Install Guide

Groundwater Specifications

Flood Detection Brochure

Portable Monitoring Kits

PMK Dust Brochure

PMK Dust User Guide

PMK Dust Specifications

PMK Noise Brochure

PMK Noise Specifications

PMK Vibration Brochure

PMK Vibration User Guide

PMK Vibration Specifications

Water Monitoring

Water Monitoring

Turbidity and TSS
Monitoring Brochure

Flood Detection and
Water Level Monitoring Brochure

Weather Monitoring

Weather Monitoring

Flood Detection and
Water Level Monitoring Brochure

General Installation

Adroit Modular
Post Specifications

Adroit Platform

Introduction to Adroit Platform

Adroit Platform User Tutorial

Case Studies and Webinars

Water Monitoring in the
Ōtākaro Avon River

Water Monitoring in the
Manga-o-tama Catchment

Webinar – Why Monitor
in Construction?

Worksite Monitoring with
Dempsey Wood

Environmental Monitoring with
Hira Bhana

Webinar – Waikato
Water Catchment Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring with
Westpac Mussels

Environmental Monitoring with
King Salmon

Spark Business Group of companies