Environmental Monitoring - Seawater

Real-time, continuous environmental management and monitoring of seawater for a wide range of industries and marine applications
Adroit provides complete managed environmental monitoring solutions which include equipment, network connection, cloud platform, training, installation, servicing and support. The ability to continuously monitor environmental parameters in real-time for seawater such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-A, blue/green algae, turbidity, TSS, pH levels, conductivity, temp, water depth provides accurate environmental data. This data can assist in critical decision making and aid in the overall management and sustainability of these environments.
Adroit proudly partners with global IoT technology leaders Libelium and In-Situ for environmental monitoring of seawater parameters.

Environmental monitoring key benefits

Feature-rich app

Customisable thresholds and alerts.
Downloadable data and APIs for integration

Real-time monitoring

Get a clear view of a wide range of parameters from your seawater environments

Increased productivity and cost-efficiencies
Real-time data aids decision making to maximise efficiencies and minimise environmental impact

Accurate measurements

Highly accurate, cost-effective, reliable,
field-proven and factory-calibrated sensors
measure various seawater parameters
Health and safety

Help ensure a compliant, healthy and safe environment for employees and communities

Compliance and
complaint mitigation

Historic and real-time data to aid management of compliance and complaint mitigation
Environmental Monitoring how it works seawater
saltwater monitoring sensor
salt water monitoring system

Why monitor seawater?

Real-time monitoring of seawater environments can be key in gaining a clear picture of what is happening at any point in time in the water. The ability to monitor and measure seawater parameters can aid in the management and sustainability of fragile marine ecosystems and environments.

Monitoring applications

Seawater environments such as ports, marinas, wharfs, beaches, and other marine applications

Adroit Saltwater Monitoring

After 60 years of manual measurement University of Otago is getting a technology update

Measurements of ocean surface temperature have been collected manually at 09:00 AM daily since 1953, from a pier at the Portobello Marine Laboratory in the Otago Harbor. Adroit recently installed four sensors, which every hour measure parameters including temperature, salinity, pH, chlorophyll-a and dissolved oxygen and transmits the data to the cloud for visualisation. This automation helps provide a globally significant data set that forms one of the longest continuous in-situ daily ocean temperature records in the Southern Hemisphere.

We’re particularly excited because we aim to enhance access to research quality ocean data through a range of different stakeholders – this type of long-term real-time information about the local ocean environment, is sought-after, not only for academic research and in the University of Otago teaching programs, but also by the Otago Regional Council and the Department of Conservation, local iwi, community groups, marine farmers, commercial and recreational fishers
Dr. Robert Smith

Lecturer in the Department of Marine Science, University of Otago

environmental monitoring saltwater platform
Monitoring multiple parameters in your freshwater environments gives your team access to real-time data which can be visualised on the Adroit App, accessible from any connected device
Spark Business Group of companies