Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Enhances Flood Preparedness with Adroit Environmental Intelligence

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) has implemented Adroit’s advanced environmental monitoring technology to bolster its flood preparedness, particularly benefiting rural communities.

This initiative leverages Adroit’s real-time flood detection and water level monitoring solutions to provide real-time data, enhancing operational efficiency and community safety. The Adroit technology employs radar sensors and AI-driven analytical tools to deliver precise water level readings every 15 minutes, increasing to every 5 minutes during warning events. This automation replaces manual checks, reducing the need for fieldwork, enhancing employee safety, and lowering operational costs and carbon footprint.

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HBRC Regional Asset Manager James Feary worked with Adroit to specify and implement the installation.

“We have remote areas that have recently faced significant flooding, we thought it would be great if we could have some way of getting real time data from these local communities so that we can do some early warnings about potential flooding risks in those spaces,” Feary says.

“The advantage of automation is that it gives us operational efficiencies. We would otherwise have to send someone up to some of these communities. And it’s a two and a half hour round trip. Often the roads are cut off during rainfall events. Automation gives us the ability to get early warning and alert so that we can forewarn communities of events that are happening in the area,” he says.

James Feary

HBRC Regional Asset Manager

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VEGA radar sensors are a key component of this system. This non-contact radar using 80 GHz technology delivers high measurement accuracy unaffected by environmental changes such as temperature, pressure or obstacles in the water – with little to no maintenance requirements. These sensors can be installed on bridges, dams, and other critical infrastructure to continuously monitor water levels and alert authorities to potential flooding risks via the Adroit App. Installed with Iridium satellite connectivity ensures data reliability even during severe weather events.

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Additionally, Adroit’s Image Capture cameras provide visual verification of water level events, providing an image every 15 minutes, 24 hours per day.. This comprehensive environmental intelligence will play a crucial role in enhancing disaster preparedness, minimising damage, and aiding communities near New Zealand’s water environments.

By embracing these innovative solutions, HBRC is better equipped to protect its communities from climate-related challenges, ensuring a safer and more resilient future for the region. To learn more about Adroit environmental intelligence technology.