Smart Soil Monitoring

Soil sensor data to optimize plant growth

Smart measurement of soil parameters creates valuable insights for plant management

As the world’s population continues to rise, there is an ever-increasing pressure on food production, a key facet of this production is the ability to monitor and manage soil quality. Issues such as usage, climate change, weather conditions, water supply, contaminants and pollution, all play a part in soil quality and its ability to produce healthy plants. Smart measuring of soil parameters provides valuable insights to aid in decision making for various applications, such as optimising growth, monitoring pollutant levels and automation of irrigation systems which leads to water savings.

Adroit soil monitoring solutions are customised to meet each clients specific requirements and can measure basic parameters such as soil temperature, moisture, oxygen and conductivity. Adroit uses several IoT equipment suppliers to ensure we provide the best, purpose fit solution for your soil monitoring. Our Libelium smart soil monitoring equipment utilises highly accurate and reliable sensors that also enable integration to third party equipment, such as irrigation controllers through RS232.

Requirements such as monitoring soil Nitrate leaching are covered by custom integration of specialist sensor equipment into Libelium Plug & Sense controllers. Data is collected by the sensors and transmitted via the IoT network to the Adroit IoT Platform which provides customisable dashboards, reporting, exporting, and alerting. We can deploy large quantities of cost-efficient wireless sensors across installations such as commercial planting installations, public gardens and farming applications.

We can provide complete end to end management of your smart soil monitoring solution including design, installation and support of IoT sensors, connectivity, and secure data storage on our IoT platform. Alerts can be sent to any mobile device and our user dashboard can be accessed remotely by any web-enabled device.

Typical parameters we measure

  • Soil Moisture (cbar)
  • Soil Temperature (Degrees)
Soil Monitoring Sensor
Adroit uses Aqualabo sensors
Siemens logo
Adroit uses Bosch sensors
libelium logo
Adroit uses Burkert sensors
Gill Smart Weather Station Partner logo
Adroit uses Hydrometrics sensors
Nexsens logo
Adroit uses In-Situ sensors
Adroit uses Proteus sensors
Adroit uses Aqualabo sensors
Siemens logo
Adroit uses Bosch sensors
libelium logo
Adroit uses Burkert sensors
Nexsens logo
Adroit uses In-Situ sensors
Adroit uses Hydrometrics sensors
Adroit uses Proteus sensors
Gill Smart Weather Station Partner logo

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