Smart Environment

Smarter, safer places to live and work.

Environment is the total sum of all conditions that surround us at a given point in time, so factors such as air and noise pollution can play a major role in the impact to an environment, especially urban ones which are continually growing. Being aware and able to measure constantly changing external environmental factors is key to good decision making.

Smart environments use sensors to continuously measure these factors, the overall aim is for environments to be more comfortable and healthy for inhabitants. Systems can measure everything from space efficiency and foot traffic within buildings, to industrial pollution. Smart environments are one in which there is not only an absence of harmful conditions that can cause injury and illness, but an abundance of health promoting ones. IoT helps create environments that are smarter and safer for people to live and work in.

  • Water Monitoring
  • Air Quality
  • Noise Quality
  • Fire Detection

Adroit’s real-time wireless Environment monitoring combined with IoT Platform provides numerous benefits over manual or semi-automated data collection and analysis. Adroit monitoring equipment can be installed in almost any location and provides accurate and reliable readings at user-selected intervals e.g. daily, hourly, every fifteen minutes.

Monitoring data is continuously transmitted to the IoT Platform where it can be correlated with information from other sources, displayed and graphed, and analysed for current and long term trend reporting. The IoT Platform data can be accessed by multiple users via web portal and mobile apps, and can be easily exported or shared with other systems via APIs.

See how IoT created these Smart business
and environment solutions

Increase Strawberry Quality. Juicy, sweet, aromatic fruit on time to market

Strawberry Quality

Juicy, sweet, aromatic fruit on time to market
Increase Dairy Production. Milk production increased with temperature monitoring

Increase Dairy

Milk production increased with temperature monitoring
Predictive Control of Vineyards. Gain efficiencies, increase capacity and cost savings

Predictive Control
of Vineyards

Gain efficiencies, increase capacity and cost savings

Other Industries





