Environmental Intelligence


Starts with Environmental Data

Automated real-time environmental data collection improves efficiencies, reduces operational costs and minimises carbon footprint.

PMK and Platform image

Data Visualisation

Securely store and visualise environmental data on the Adroit App, set thresholds and alerts, aggregate data from other sources.
Data Visualisation dashboarding

Analytics and Intelligence

Use analytics, AI and machine learning applied to real-time environmental data to identify trends, insights and drive predictive modelling.

Increase Productivity

Automation of environmental monitoring can greatly reduce the need for manual measurements in the field, reducing operational costs and freeing up resources that can be utilised to increase productivity. It also reduces health and safety risk to employees and your carbon footprint.


The use of accurate real-time environmental data aggregated, in cases combined with other data sources, and tools like predictive modelling and AI, can create a highly granular picture of present and expected site activity and environmental conditions. This gives you the intelligence to make data-driven decisions to increase your operational effectiveness.

Compliance Management

Accurate real-time environmental site data, in cases combined with aggregated data from other sources, provides a clear and timely picture of environmental measures relating to site activity and compliance. Data visualisation on the Adroit App, including setting thresholds and alerts, provides early detection of site activity that may result in compliance breeches. Historical data combined with advanced analytics provides trends and insights to improve current and future compliance management, and overall site management.

Drive New Business Evolution

Step change your business productivity and effectiveness through data driven decision making. Enable previously unachievable business models to drive a new business evolution. Using environmental intelligence will allow your business to operate more effectively in a positive relationship with the environment, ensuring both environmental and business sustainability.
Spark Business Group includes Adroit

Adroit monthly subscription plans

This worksite monitoring product is available on a fixed monthly subscription of 24, 36 or 48 months. Subscriptions include web/mobile app, training, support, real-time network connectivity, monitoring equipment, installation, maintenance, and removal. All worksite solutions can be customised to client requirements, contact Adroit for more information.