Environmental Intelligence


Environmental Data Collection


Site planning and sensor selection, configuration, field installation, device connectivity and calibrations to achieve accurate and continuous real-time environmental data.

Napier Ground Install_tilt web


Automated real-time environmental data collection improves efficiencies, reduces operational costs, risks to employees in the field, and minimises carbon footprint.


Automated collection and visualisation of environmental data on the Adroit App creates a clear, accurate and granular picture of business activities and the environment. Set thresholds, alerts and aggregate data.

Visualisation mobile

Environmental Intelligence

Become more proactive with improved data-driven decisions that create new operational efficiencies. Drive new business evolution, increase productivity, ensure business and environmental sustainability

Compliance Management

Accurate real-time environmental site data, in cases combined with aggregated data from other sources, provides a clear and timely picture of environmental measures relating to site activity and compliance. Data visualisation on the Adroit App, including setting thresholds and alerts, provides early detection of site activity that may result in compliance breeches. Historical data combined with advanced analytics provides trends and insights to improve current and future compliance management, and overall site management.

Spark Business Group includes Adroit

Adroit monthly subscription plans

This worksite monitoring product is available on a fixed monthly subscription of 24, 36 or 48 months. Subscriptions include web/mobile app, training, support, real-time network connectivity, monitoring equipment, installation, maintenance, and removal. All worksite solutions can be customised to client requirements, contact Adroit for more information.