Adroit Exhibits at the Water NZ Conference & Expo 2024

Expanding the Conversation on Technology, Resilience, and Sustainability
Water NZ Conference 2024
Adroit is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming Water NZ Conference, set to take place from 25 – 27 September 2024 at Claudelands, Kirikiriroa Hamilton. This event is a pivotal gathering for professionals across the water industry, firmly focused on Te Mana o te Wai, including the latest thinking in innovation, technology, and sustainability. Adroit CEO, Blair Stewart says that this is the first time Adroit has participated in the conference and is excited to be able to showcase the technology they’ve developed and deployed throughout New Zealand in the past year. “The Water NZ Conference is crucial for expanding the conversation about water, its treatment and protection,” Stewart says. “It’s an opportunity for us to demonstrate technologies we’ve developed that can enhance the way we manage this vital resource,” he says. Stewart says holding the conference in Hamilton, alongside the mighty Waikato River, is particularly fitting. The river symbolises the many ways our communities interact with water—through industrial use, power generation, irrigation, recreation, and as a source of potable water for human consumption. “At Adroit, we are committed to driving innovation that helps manage these interactions, ensuring water remains resilient and sustainable for the communities that depend on it.
We look forward to engaging with fellow professionals and sharing our expertise on how advanced technologies can be leveraged to protect and sustain these vital water resources
Blair Stewart

CEO, Adroit

Learn more here – Water NZ Conference