Water into Wine? A Celebration of Water Monitoring Technology
It was a case of serendipity when Adroit brought together a number of key clients for a wine tasting on International Water Day recently.
The date coincided with Adroit’s 10-year anniversary as a specialist provider of environmental IoT solutions, and six months since Adroit became part of the Spark Business Group.
Real-time environmental data is the foundation of the Adroit business – providing solutions that enable clients to gather reliable and accurate real-time environmental data from almost anywhere in the field.
In recent months Adroit has expanded relationships with the world’s leading suppliers of geotechnical and hydrotechnical sensor technology to source exciting new tools to measure a wide range of factors, including real-time water quality, noise and dust levels, worksite vibration, ground tilt, groundwater levels, flood levels, flow levels, weather, air quality and more.
These new tools have seen Adroit in action in a broad range of industries and applications throughout the country including high-profile and meaningful projects such as:
- Real-time monitoring in the Rotorua Lakes to detect toxic Blue Green Algae blooms to help manage the health of the lakes,
- Satellite-connected Tiltmeters and Flood Detection in Gisborne as part of the East Coast Recovery work,
- New Adroit developed Worksite Vibration Sensors to measure vibration at Auckland Airport,
- Installing Iridium satellite-enabled E. coli sensors to monitor the health of lakes in the South Island
The next step in data evolution is environmental intelligence, tools for analysing data that are set to take data-enabled decision-making to a new level – helping to identify trends and gain insights that enable faster, more proactive critical business decisions and actions.
Adroit’s new client analytics portal will be released in beta next month, and we’re working with key clients to integrate environmental data into systems, analytics tools and AI, so our clients won’t just understand the past, they’ll potentially be able to predict future patterns.
Having achieved some significant milestones and with the scale and vision of the Spark Group behind us, Adroit is keen to play a supporting role in improving New Zealand’s productivity, especially in the face of current economic headwinds.
While the Adroit technology won’t quite deliver the proverbial ‘water into wine’, it will certainly tell you if there’s wine in your water, acidity in your river, or E. coli in your pond.